希乃子のデジタルアートギャラリーKinoko’s Digital Art Gallery
A new era of digital art, woven by the latest AI technology.
Welcome to Kinoko’s world, where fiction and reality intersect in a unique space!
On my official site, I explore new forms of artistic expression.
Through digital art, I bring you fashion, seasonal changes, and the wonderland of daily life.
Creative Philosophy:
I strive to create AI art as pure artistic expression that resonates with viewers’ hearts. Through works that emphasize fashion and seasonal elements, I explore new possibilities in digital art.
メンバーシップを選択Choose Your Membership
Free Plan
無料 / 月額
Welcome to the World of Digital Art!
- 新作デジタルアートを定期的に配信
- Freeコンテンツのアーカイブ閲覧
- Regular updates of new digital artworks
- Access to free content archive
Join as a free member and explore my creative works. I deliver original digital artworks that go beyond what can be expressed on X.
Standard Plan
$5 / 月額
Exclusive Digital Art Pieces Only Available Here!
- Free Planの全コンテンツ
- 週2回のサイト限定ポートレート(1024×1536px)
- Standardコンテンツのアーカイブ閲覧
- スマホ用壁紙(1080×1920px・月1回更新)
- All Free Plan content
- Twice-weekly exclusive portraits (1024×1536px)
- Access to Standard content archive
- Smartphone wallpapers (1080×1920px, monthly update)
Enjoy exclusive portrait pieces that blend fashion and art, only available on this site. We also deliver enchanting original wallpaper collections every month.
Premium Plan
$15 / 月額
High-Resolution Art with Enhanced Expression!
- Standard Planの全コンテンツ
- 週2回のサイト限定高解像度ポートレート(1707×2560px)
- 全コンテンツのアーカイブ閲覧
- PC用高解像度壁紙(2560×1440px)
- スマホ用高解像度壁紙(1440×2560px)
※壁紙は月2回更新・Standard Planの2倍の解像度
- All Standard Plan content
- Twice-weekly exclusive high-resolution portraits (1707×2560px)
- Access to complete content archive
- High-resolution PC wallpapers (2560×1440px)
- High-resolution smartphone wallpapers (1440×2560px)
*Wallpapers updated bi-monthly with 2x higher resolution than Standard Plan
Experience special digital art pieces in high resolution that capture delicate expressions. Beautify your daily life with wallpapers that look stunning on both PC and smartphone displays.
Patron Planパトロンプラン
A Special Plan to Explore New Possibilities in Digital Art Together
- Premium Planの全コンテンツをお楽しみいただけます
- 月に一度、創作テーマをリクエストいただけます
- 専用フォームで直接コミュニケーションが可能です
Special Benefits and Bond
- Enjoy all Premium Plan content
- Request a creative theme once a month
- Direct communication through exclusive form
Your requests and messages become the driving force for new creations
This plan is created for special supporters who deeply resonate with my creative journey and wish to pioneer the new world of digital art together.
Premium Planと同じコンテンツをご覧いただけますが、このプランの真髄は、デジタルアートという未知の領域を、心強いパートナーとして共に探索していただくことにあります。
While you can enjoy the same content as Premium Plan, the essence lies in exploring the uncharted territory of digital art together as trusted partners.
Our goal is to create yet-unseen beauty. Would you join this journey as a special patron? Your support will help write the new history of digital art.
$50 / 月額
クリエイティブポリシーCreative Policy
- すべての作品は健全で芸術性を重視した表現です
- ファッションと季節感を大切にした作品制作
- 想像力を刺激する新しいビジュアル表現の追求
- All works are wholesome expressions with emphasis on artistic value
- Creation of artwork that captures fashion and seasonal sensibilities
- Pursuit of new visual expressions that stimulate imagination
Please enjoy the new stories woven by art and technology in the world I create. I look forward to exploring new possibilities in digital art together with you.
I am truly excited to embark on this creative journey with all of you who support me.
重要事項Important Notes
- 本サイトの作品はすべてAIによって生成された創作物です
- 著作権は当サイトに帰属し、無断転載・二次利用は禁止されています
- 掲載作品の商用利用はお断りいたします
- All works on this site are AI-generated creations
- All rights reserved; unauthorized reproduction and secondary use are prohibited
- Commercial use of posted works is not permitted